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Private Sector

Why Choose cliclogic?
Professional and agile Subject Matter Experts in all aspects of the OSINT discipline. We teach it, breath it, eat it and live it, virtually!
We apply an OSINT Integration Model™ that is adaptable across a broad spectrum of public & private domains.
Laser Focused
We work on OSINT centric initiatives & strategies that yield success. Your mission is our mission; we will be there with you every step of the way.
Years of operational experience looking for the proverbial "needle in the haystack" using cutting edge tools, tradecraft and critical thinking.
The Use Cases are Endless...
We have an OSINT solution
that is right for you.

What is OSINT?Have you ever spent time on the Internet shopping for the perfect gift, seeking the best source or the lowest price? What about looking for a great family doctor? Or planning a vacation online? Chances are, you have spent a considerable amount of time searching, reading reviews, collecting data, comparing products, bookmarking, and making notes before making a final decision. Even if you only scratched the surface, at a personal level, you likely developed basic skills of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and didn’t even realize it. OSINT is not new. References to the practice of researching publicly available information can arguably be traced decades. For example, during World War II, military researchers, without computers, would collect and analyze mass amounts of information and used their critical thinking skills to evaluate available information at a tactical level for use on the battlefield.
How is OSINT defined?OSINT has evolved considerably over time. Here at cliclogic, we define OSINT as an analytical process that is applied following the passive collection of publicly and legally available information from the Internet as a primary source. This process is used to generate results and produce actionable intelligence to support decision makers and specific business, tactical and strategic objectives.
Why should I have experts perform OSINT?Given the shear amount and access to information available on the Internet today, as well as rapidly evolving technologies, OSINT has become an extremely complex and specialized discipline. This is where cliclogic excels; at making the most effective use of information. We're experienced investigators, disciplined researchers & have the right tools. We look wide and deep and into the darkest corners of the Web to yield results and deliver a product that can suit your business needs.
Who can benefit from OSINT?Anyone can benefit from using cliclogic's suite of OSINT professional services; the use cases are endless. If you depend on information to meet your objectives and want to use the power of the Internet to become more effective, then OSINT is for you.
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